This kit contains 14 papers & 55 DIFFERENT elements with many of them in different colors for a total of 89 elements. I love the 4 poser elves which inspired this kit…especially the silly one 😉
Personal Use Only ~ Kit Contains:
14 high res full size papers
Single Flower ( 2 colors)
Triple Flowers ( 2 colors)
Ribbon & Floral Brad Page Wrap (in 2 colors)
Curly Ribbon & Bow (3 colors)
Braided Page Wrap (3 Colors)
Braided Ribbon & Bow (3 colors)
Buckled Page Wrap
2 Buckled Ribbons
Butterfly on Vine (2 colors)
Button Flowers (3 colors)
2 Curly Ribbons (2 colors for each)
Double Flowers (2 colors)
Double Hearts (2 colors)
Double Tag
Dragonfly (3 colors)
4 Poser Elves
Frayed Tag Cluster
Vine & Swing
Fan (2 colors)
Floral Bouquet
Floral Brads (2 colors)
Flower & Foliage (3 colors)
Flower Cluster (2 colors)
Three Flower Branch (3 colors)
Hanging Hearts (2 colors)
5 Frames
Glitter Hummingbird
Hummingbird Brad
Jeweled Flowers (2 colors)
Jeweled Flower Branch (2 colors)
Jeweled Flower Cluster
2 Journal Tags
2 Label Tags
Mushroom House
Notecard & Envelope
Organza Bows (3 colors)
Pink Blossom Branch
Pinwheel Bow
Ribbon Pins (3 colors)
Rope Tags (3 colors)
Hanging Wooden Signs